Friday, January 11, 2013


寫商業e-mail一開頭的稱呼,到底要用Dear, Hi, 或直呼其名,John, Mike好呢?
BBC有一篇文章 "Should e-mails open with Dear, Hi, or Hey?" 裡頭談到美國一名政治人物Giselle Barry疾呼:It's time we ditched "Dear..." from work e-mails.(工作的郵件不要再用Dear了。)
富比世雜誌上也有一篇長長的文章 "Hi? Dear? The State Of The E-Mail Salutation",討論商業郵件打招呼到底要用Hi、Hello、Dear,還是都不必?
這篇文章的結論是:“Hi” is becoming more acceptable, and in many businesses, it’s the norm.(Hi的接受度更高,就商業溝通而言,已經成為標準!)
富比世雜誌的編輯Susan Adams檢查自己的郵件信箱,也做了很多口頭訪問,她發現:現在除了很慎重的信件,大家很少Dear了。特別是e-mail,更常出現的是Hi, Hello,或直接稱呼對方名字,有些客戶的宣傳信,其至一開頭就用”Hi, there”。
Susan發現,大家不用Dear而選擇Hi的原因是:想創造輕鬆、友善一點的氣氛,這樣更容易得到你想要的回應。(Their goal is similar to mine: They want to sound relaxed and welcoming, to get us interested enough in their pitch to respond to it.)
Hi, Jane,
Hello, Morris,
John, (不要寫成 Dear John ,會讓人錯以為是「分手信」!)
Hey, folks,(夥伴們)
有時候寫給多人,像是同事、團隊成員,e-mail 可以這麼用:
Hi, Everyone,(尊重每一個人的個別性,而不是Dear all一整攤)
Dear Team Members,(主管寫給團隊成員可以這樣,寫給主管不要用Dear team members)
(X) Dears,
(X) Dear Sirs,
(X) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
(X) Dear Boss,
(X) Dear All,
至於e-mail結尾,Best, Best wishes, Best Regards, Regards, Take Care.....都有,高科技產業裡現在很流行的結尾是"Cheers"。聽起有點振奮感!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

xcode ugly font: turn on anti alias

defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 3

Changing the 3 at the end will control how much anti-aliasing happens on the fonts and may range from 0-3 I believe. 0 being off, 1 being light anti-aliasing and 3 being heavy anti-aliasing. The OS should also remember this setting for your monitor so you should only have to change it once.
This is a bug in Snow Leopard. This could be changed in system preferences prior to 10.6 but now 10.6 tries to figure out the best setting for your monitor on its own and does not get it right most of the time.